The Art of Recognizing Clinical Supply Risk Factors
Summary: No two studies are the same and each clinical supply project carries unique risks. Experienced supply chain managers know that certain study characteristics are often leading indicators that they can anticipate a supply project will be complex in nature. Identifying issues proactively and taking appropriate steps to address challenges early on can help to mitigate supply chain risks that may delay the start of the study, lead to inventory shortages or result in budget overruns to correct. Clinical supply worries do not stop once the study starts as periodic monitoring of inventory levels, IRT settings and other variables throughout the course of the study are important to ensure continuity of supply from beginning to end.
But what characteristics are most likely to raise a flag that issues are ahead? Are there certain types of clinical sponsors and studies that are at greater risk of experiencing supply challenges? And it is often the smallest of details that can cause some of the biggest issues, so how do clinical sponsors know what is important to focus on and what is not?
Watch the webinar to learn about aspects of the study protocol that can directly influence clinical supply strategy.